Let go of what you know and honor what exists

One of the most challenging things about leaving the faith of your parents is raising their grandchildren as freethinkers.

Freethinkers who have come from evangelical homes, like me, know the intense social pressure that comes from their extended family. This is especially true when the grandparent believes you're leading their grandchildren straight to hell!

There's a song by David Bazan – someone who has also gone through a major faith transition – that fully understands the position that freethinking parents find themselves in. His song, Bearing Witness, captures exactly how I feel as a parent, but also repurposes religious vernacular to offer encouragement to those who have chosen a rational and logical belief system, and parenting style.

I clung to miracles I have not seen
From ancient autographs I cannot read
And though I've repented
I'm still tempted, I admit
But it's not what bearing witness is

Too full of prophecy and fear to see
The revelation right in front of me
So sick and tired of trying to make the pieces fit
Because it's not what bearing witness is

When the gap between
What I hoped would be
And what is makes me weep for my kids
I take a cleansing breath
And make a positive confession
But is that what bearing witness is

Though it may alienate your family
And blur the lines of your identity
Let go of what you know
And honor what exists
Son, that's what bearing witness is
Daughter, that's what bearing witness is

Lyrics from the song Bearing Witness on the album Curse Your Branches by David Bazan

The last paragraph is the most powerful statement for me. Every parent that has experienced a transition from make-believe to freethinking, has felt the alienation from their family, and initial blurring of their identity. For me, it includes a loss of intimacy. I no longer have the ability to talk deeply or philosophically with my parents, because the foundation of our belief system and world views are so deeply opposing.

I feel fortunate and hopeful though because I'm in the unique position to help stop the superstitious beliefs that have accompanied my family lineage for as long as anyone can remember. Bazan put that reality into a more concise statement, by naming his album Curse Your Branches.

Jon Henshaw @jonhenshaw